Welcome to Fast2Grow

(713) 877-1217

New Year 2023 Welcome!

We are looking at another New Year and trying to discern what it is bringing to us and to the world. Unfortunately, the general direction of the economy looks somewhat dull all over, if not grim altogether. However, the economy is complicated thing. Despite all the interventions it does balance itself at the end. So what are the perspectives of our business at the time of general turmoil?

First of all we have to consider the supply chain issues. So far it had been so good for us and we did not experience much of disruptions, as being a local producer, we do not rely on much of any global supply. As long, as quality substrate is available, we can sustain our business very well. Outbound international trade did not affect us too much, except slowing down the delivery times.

Another issue is availability of the conventional fertilizers on the market and consequently the price of thereof. We have to admit that it actually works in our favor. Fast2Grow is proven its ability to reduce reliance on expensive conventional fertilizers by facilitating the plant ability to absorb the nutrients already available in the soil, and considering the costs, it is the right solution for many struggling farmers.

The third problem is availability of credit, as most of the farmers rely heavily on the borrowing. Given the price of conventional fertilizers, the reduction of their consumption rate offered by use of Fast2Grow is the key for the savings, while keeping the same crop output.

Despite all the troubles facing the economy as a whole, we are looking forward at another successful year in improving the efficiency of crop production and making the wold greener one step at the time.

Happy New Year to all of you!

God Bless!
© 2021 Fast2Grow®, Inc.